Exciting Adventure in the year 203097! Thrill to the exploits of the VIOLENT COMBAT ROBOTS a team of intrepid spacemen who use the power of SCIENCE to lay waste to everyone on the planet! Serves them right!
Exciting Adventure in the year 203097! Thrill to the exploits of the VIOLENT COMBAT ROBOTS a team of intrepid spacemen who use the power of SCIENCE to lay waste to everyone on the planet! Serves them right!
Thank you for the mindless mayhem. You made me spit my breakfast cereal out!
It’s proof that someone can make mid-90’s Saturday animation more coherently ridiculous. Cheers!
What, they left the PLANET still standing?
What, they left EACH OTHER still alive?
What a buncha wimps!
I love the subtle irony that happens in the last few frames “Now I’m bored…”. Classic!
Great piece. I just had to blog about it today.