Gesture Comics 13

It’s time for SDCC again this year, and I’ve collected quite a few new Gesture Comics for yet another ashcan. If you see me there this year, I’ll give you one. See here for the initial post on Gesture Comics.  As usual, click to enlarge.

Violent Combat Robots – What are You Doing with Your Eyes?

This little forgotten routine comes from the “Violent Combat Robots” project, originally intended to be a series. While strolling through the archives looking for other material, I stumbled upon it – a short that was made as a”proof of concept” for the VCR series that never went.  The weird animation on her eyes is actually […]

Render Farm Build 46

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. Can’t tell if JHVH-1 actually sees itself.  I mean, it SHOULD.  The master should be able to tell the […]

Render Farm Build 45

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. In which I destroy everything. I installed a blank drive called  “Lucifer” (it matches JHVH-1 and keeps with my Christian […]

The Tower Sisters – What is the Response Threshold and How Does it Work?

Not much is known about The Tower Sisters.  This audio artifact is an hour-long piece neatly divided into two sections.  The Sisters make use of shortwave radio, Eventide Harmonizer, Prince, Unidentified Film Soundtracks, “The Sonic Ear,” “The Cat Napper,” Casiotones, The Korg Ploy-800, A Moog Modular, Unidentified Phone Calls, and Noise, Noise, Noise to create […]

Render Farm 44

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. I can’t leave well enough alone, it seems. Not being able to remotely run jobs or even check on […]

Faculty Doodles 2016 – 2

Ball point test for the Wacom Inkling. As it turns out, I operated the Inkling wrong, so there was no test.  So these are the ball point drawings.  When did I start to tune out the meeting?  It may have been during the discussion of “high impact practices” which is the newest useless buzzword in […]


Kometka is the first new music project to emerge from the Naked Rabbit World Power Foundation in quite some time.  Inspired by space-faring canines, this hour-long piece is very slowly and almost imperceptibly divided into five tracks, each between 12 and 18 minutes long.  This disc is a hypnosis engine, a dream generator, and a […]

Faculty Doodles 2016 – Part 1

I’m not even sure there is a part 2.  But 2016 has just begun, and the prospect of the rest of the year going by without some more faculty doodles is almost impossible to imagine.  There will doubtlessly be more hideously dull meetings to attend.  These are from some awful college committees that went on […]

Faculty Doodles 2015

Faculty meetings are necessary, but when the topics stray out of my areas of interest or start going down the twisty road of pedantry, the pen comes out of the pocket and the agenda becomes adorned. Let’s hope you get a few kicks out of these doodles made while someone was doubtlessly talking about something they […]