Old Joe Comics

There is no such thing as Old Joe Comics. No one wants to read this comic, just look at it! It would fairly well frighten any children who came across it, and adults seeing that face would only be given a grim reminder of the ignoble fate that awaits us all – if we’re lucky […]

Three Graces

I’ve recently found a massive load of gesture drawings in a drawer. Some of them are a bit old, but I thought I might post a few anyway. My apologies to those who do not want to see a naked cartoon person.   Here are Three Graces: Of course, they are all the same grace, […]

Let Me Show You My Pokeymans

Whenever someone shows me how many Pokeymans there are in the world I am overwhelmed. Who could possibly collect ’em all? And what would you do with them once you did? But when I sit down to draw my own Pokeymans I realize that the PokeyCreators have really dropped the ball on some obvious designs […]

One of These Things is Not Like the Other

Discuss. And yet the one I thought was OBVIOUSLY the best one never sold.

Quanto Comics: Sucker Punch

Here’s the last in the series – click for bigger size. It is a beautiful story of two people. Like the others, this Quanto comic was originally dashed off as quickly as possible. I did redraw it so at least it was somewhat legible. Has nothing to do with the terrible movie of the same […]

Quanto Comics: Day of Reckoning

Third in a series. Click for bigger size. The Duck Detective Returns! Bear in mind that Quanto Comics are made fast, without any planning, and all sorts of unexpected things can happen. That’s part of what makes them work. This was Quanto #3 from the same wild bacchanal of comix referred to here. Why would […]

Quanto Comics: Stuck Behind a Truck

Click for bigger size. This was Quanto #2 from the same wild bacchanal of comix referred to here. I’m certain that Brian Dewan supplied the title. That’s my re-inking work on it, but definitely his lettering.

Quanto Comics: The Duck Detective

      Brian and Ted Dewan made this game up when they were kids. Scott McCloud’s written about it in his last book, “Making Comics.” Now that I’ve dropped all those names, I’ll add that this latest piece is from a session playing Quanto with Brian, Scott, and Cecilia. The way Quanto works is […]

Burn, Human, Burn!

Do not displease a cat, especially in this rude fashion. Pass this around, blog it, repeat it, post it, send it everywhere. While you’re at it, grab this image macro and start posting it everywhere. It has lots of uses. Where is the next music video? Yes, I’m quite surprised that no one has asked […]

Bloodfïstre – Do You Have Time for Hamster?

The Naked Rabbit Music Video Project #4 One music video every month throughout 2012. All original songs, all original production, all original video. May Entry: Learn about hamsters with the Black Death Metal band “Bloodfïstre.” This dynamic two man team of Ülric Hjammerthrjob and Ümlaüt Ødinsblüt will blast you away with searing skull-crushing METAL. Only this […]