At the Doctor

Inspired by a friend’s visit to the doctor to fix his painful toe.  This is what I am sure happened.

Render Farm Build 31

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. I was having even more connection problems. I would restart and Gog wold not be able to see Cyclops on the […]

Render Farm Build 30

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. I reconfigured the slave.conf file and restarted.  The slave was now running!  I manually configured the environment variables: DRQUEUE_LOGS,  […]

Render Farm Build 29

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. Back in my office, I installed the first slave, called “Gog,” and started everything up in situ. Powered up Gog – […]

Render Farm Build 28

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. As you may know, I have, at this juncture, made an Primary Domain Controller (PDC) out of an old PPC Mac […]

Render Farm Build 27

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. To make the computers talk to each other, I needed to set up the rendering apps, set the environment variables […]

Render Farm Build 26

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. I thought I could use OSX 10.9.1 and be OK. All the Xcode versions I needed to build Dr. Queue […]

Render Farm Build 25

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. OSX 10.9.1 was working fine. I had no idea if 10.9.5 will work, although I considered that I might need […]

Render Farm Build 24

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. Success! It’s kind of hard to believe but the Mac Post Factor guys have done it – 10.9 Mavericks […]

Render Farm Build 23

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. At this point I had a decent copy of 10.7.5 back up on the drive, ready to go. While […]