Gesture Comics 8 – Jungle Hamster

For an explanation of how these work, see the original post. A lot of these made it into a small ashcan I was giving out at the SDCC.  Now it’s much later, but I’m still posting them, including the extra “NSFW” versions I did not add to the book. The outfit seems Peruvian or Andean.

Gesture Comics 7 – Indiana Jones is Old

For an explanation of how these work, see the original post. A lot of these made it into a small ashcan I was giving out at the SDCC.  Now it’s much later, but I’m still posting them, including the extra “NSFW” versions I did not add to the book. In this one, a beloved movie icon continues to have […]

Gesture Comics 6 – Happy Birthday, Hamster

For an explanation of how these work, see the original post. A lot of these made it into a small ashcan I was giving out at the SDCC.  Now it’s much later, but I’m still posting them, including the extra “NSFW” versions I did not add to the book.

Gesture Comics 5 – Chiropractor NSFW

For an explanation, see Gesture Comics 1. Now with extra titillating cartoon nudity.  It’s pretty chaste, but I have no idea what your work is like, so NSFW.

Gesture Comics 4 – Bone Break

For an explanation, see Gesture Comics 1. More comics for Comic-Con San Diego.

Gesture Comics 3 – At the Cinema

For an explanation, see Gesture Comics 1. More comics from Comic-Con San Diego.

Gesture Comics 2 – Carmen

For an explanation, see Gesture Comics 1. More comics for Comic-Con San Diego.

Gesture Comics 1

Jim Woodring, in his brilliant comic “Particular Mind,” drew the artist dreaming of struggling in a life drawing class. His pen scrawls on the paper, unable to capture the figure before him. Much to his amazement (and chagrin) the woman next to him is drawing the model as a comic strip. She is detailing he […]

Faculty Doodles

Faculty meetings can be pretty dull.  But I’m always only a few pen strokes away from keeping myself entertained.  Over the years I’ve built up quite a collection of doodles from these meetings.  If I had thought a bit, I should have been drawing them in the same book all along.  As it stands, they […]

Render Farm Build 41

DISCLAIMER: This is a continuing series detailing the painful story of a DIY render farm build.  It is terribly technics and somewhat frustrating.  Those who are unprepared for such “entertainment” are advised to ignore these posts. These posts are going to get fewer and further between as I get this beast running and maintained. I […]