Lulu and Bird

I learned this game from Marc Crisafulli, who had done something similar. You try to draw your pets as if they were people. The fun thing is that you do not try to make a person who resembles the cat-face or dog-face you are so used to seeing. It’s not about duplicating your hairy loved […]

I guess you COULD see this piece.

They fixed it. Dan at the Nau-Haus Gallery, where the Negativland show is now exhibiting, was kind enough to find an art restorer to piece my bunny back together. Remarkable. Here is his photo of the completed TM wall of the exhibit. I am particularly fond of the arrangement of small paintings. Are you in […]

You won’t be seeing this piece!

Ooops! Something went wrong in shipping. Looks like the Texas show will be missing at least one exhibit from me.

Cat’s Head Theatre

At long last! Zero and his performing troupe lend their feline talents to a classic tale of Japanese Cinema! Yes, it was finished some time ago, and premiered at the screening in May. Now it is time to unleash upon the world. This is a good sign of things to come. There will be many […]

Cat Head Theatre 2

It’s been a while since I promised more CHT. But I have been a bit busy, what with the book, the Brian Dewan project, and the new Kitten DVD. Even so, I offer you this new trailer for the CHT project, next on the list. [flashvideo filename= /] Download the iPod version here.

Cat Head Theatre 2

Regard this, a new still from the next installment of “Cat Head Theatre.” It has been some time since the first one, but this next production is all the better for coming so late.

Cinder – 1998-2008

  She is already missed.

Leon Makes a Noise Cats Like

It is an amazing talent. Leon Dewan has many such talents, considering he is one half of the amazing electronic duo Dewanatron, who build custom synthesizers according to peculiar algorithms and then perform with them. But Leon can not only create confusing electronic devices. He can also, by means of great effort and muscle control, […]

Cat-Head Theatre Passes Over 2 Million Views on YouTube

That’s even more people looking at Cat-Heads! If you would like to see this for yourself, you can. CHT is at this link on Yes, more Cat-Head Theatre is planned. Yes, I am finishing “Aluminum or Glass” before that happens. Yes, unfortunately, I have to work for a living as well.

Aluminum or Glass 17

There’s not been a post here in a while, and that’s because there have been no new images to add. It’s mostly tweaking the timings and making sure all the mistakes are gone. I’m quite sure that “Aluminum or Glass” will be complete very soon.   Everyone in this picture says “Good Luck, Everyone!” Good […]