I Must Have Blood!

This is definitely a crusty old treasure recovered from the ether, and here’s the story about how it came to be. I happened to find an old Betamax deck on the street sometimes last year. When I stooped to look at it, some kid who lived in the house it belonged to came rushing out. […]

Rhythmus 93

From the Naked Rabbit vaults comes this retro-garde homage to 1920s experimental filmmaker Hans Richter. Richter made a series of highly formalist films, each with the name “Rhythmus.” The numbers attached to them were to indicate the year in which they were made. But Hans either got confused or wanted to claim earlier authorship – […]

Anna Soundtrack

Not many people have seen “Anna,” my short narrative film from last year. It’s a bit long for the internet with a running time of 22 minutes. So you would have had to have seen it one of the various screenings last Spring. The main title theme was a little melody that had been thumping […]


The last of 2009’s shorts is now available! Sadly, for those who missed the screening back in June, there will not be a posting of the much longer work, “Anna,” which – at 20 minutes or so – is unwieldy on the Internet at best. But please, do enjoy the majesty that is “BIG DONG!” […]

Cat’s Head Theatre

At long last! Zero and his performing troupe lend their feline talents to a classic tale of Japanese Cinema! Yes, it was finished some time ago, and premiered at the screening in May. Now it is time to unleash upon the world. This is a good sign of things to come. There will be many […]

Art is Beautiful

The screening last Saturday ensured that many new Naked Rabbit productions were finished. They shall be released to the site here, one at a time for interest’s sake. Why not go alphabetically? “Art is Beautiful” will be the first in a small series. Let us pity the oaf who does not experience the sublime when […]

Screening and Book Release

Click on the picture for a larger, more readable version. It’s true! I am working like a fiend in preparation for this event. Here is the information. Now you know what you must do. I will be there, attempting to look respectable as I try to make you buy something from my hideous table of […]

An Image You Won’t See in My New Film

Sometimes when you’re working on a project, accidental images are created. Here’s one of them:   How did this happen? I had isolated the upper portion of Christina’s face so that I could do some motion tracking on it. I was trying to match the skull beneath to the face on top. This meant tracking […]

Cat Head Theatre 2

It’s been a while since I promised more CHT. But I have been a bit busy, what with the book, the Brian Dewan project, and the new Kitten DVD. Even so, I offer you this new trailer for the CHT project, next on the list. [flashvideo filename=http://www.nakedrabbit.com/flv/cht_trailer.flv /] Download the iPod version here.

Cat Head Theatre 2

Regard this, a new still from the next installment of “Cat Head Theatre.” It has been some time since the first one, but this next production is all the better for coming so late.