Violent Combat Robots – What are You Doing with Your Eyes?

This little forgotten routine comes from the “Violent Combat Robots” project, originally intended to be a series. While strolling through the archives looking for other material, I stumbled upon it – a short that was made as a”proof of concept” for the VCR series that never went.  The weird animation on her eyes is actually […]

Fake Wildman – Happy Birthday David

It was David Schulman’s birthday and the Fake Wildman made this special video greeting for him.

“Over the Hiccups” playing in Brooklyn

Are you in Brooklyn, or nearabouts? Would you like to watch cartoons? Would you watch them even if mine were included in the program? Good, you are doing fine on this exam. Click the link above for the Facebook event, or make note of this information here: Sunday, April 7th, Big Irv’s Gallery, 7PM. Films […]

Burn, Human, Burn!

Do not displease a cat, especially in this rude fashion. Pass this around, blog it, repeat it, post it, send it everywhere. While you’re at it, grab this image macro and start posting it everywhere. It has lots of uses. Where is the next music video? Yes, I’m quite surprised that no one has asked […]

Bloodfïstre – Do You Have Time for Hamster?

The Naked Rabbit Music Video Project #4 One music video every month throughout 2012. All original songs, all original production, all original video. May Entry: Learn about hamsters with the Black Death Metal band “Bloodfïstre.” This dynamic two man team of Ülric Hjammerthrjob and Ümlaüt Ødinsblüt will blast you away with searing skull-crushing METAL. Only this […]

Action Hot Dog

The Naked Rabbit Music Video Project #4 One music video every month throughout 2012. All original songs, all original production, all original video. April Entry: Delayed by Disease and Disaster. The Ignorance Team have done it again! This popular number is based on the mating dances of bees, and has been known to ease coughing […]

Share my Fruit

One music video every month throughout 2012. All original songs, all original production, all original video. March Entry: The four hairy beasts that make up the band “A.P.E.” (Apes Playing Electronics) – Mungo, Gorgo, Konga, and Edgar – rock out with this song of love and longing. Yes, the A.P.E.s do try really hard, don’t […]

The Chandrasekhar Limit

All original material, one music video per month for 2012. February entry: Suit up, spaceman, and get ready to ride the cosmic waves of your consciousness. Enjoy the crazy math of three dimensional fractals and the cold, brittle wonder of synthesized music. Be sure to turn the sound UP and lose your identity in this […]

The Happy Shrimp Show – Steve Johnson

All original material, one music video per month for 2012. I’m cheating by starting January with an oldie but a goodie. The Project begins with this crusty old gem from long ago. While in college I very much wanted to start a band. Unfortunately I had little to no musical ability, but that has never […]


“Jetsam” comes from “jettison,” meaning that which is cast off, no longer needed, dragging you down, no longer of any use. My apologies for dredging up old work like this again. As I go through the archives the occasional gem peeks out, and these were irresistible. A mere two minutes of animation exercises, strung together […]