Dirigibles and Submersibles – 11-14

Yet more. There’s 40 of these pages. Did I ever mention that? Leave a comment, either here or at the Naked Rabbit Facebook page.

Dirigibles and Submersibles – 7-10

More pages of this comic. There are 40 in all, so I’ll keep posting. Leave a comment, either here or at the Naked Rabbit Facebook page.

Dirigibles and Submersibles – 4-6

Here are some more pages of this comic I recently drew: If you like ’em, let me know!

Dirigibles and Submersibles – 1-3

Back in April of this year I submitted an entry to the Sketchbook Project, run by the Brooklyn Art Library. The concept was that participating artists would fill and donate a Moleskin sketchbook (approx. 80 pages) to their traveling (and eventually permanent) “library.” We were directed to choose one of several given themes, and I […]

Science Fiction Cast

When at a loss for something to draw, I often begin inventing characters who might be in some as-of-yet-undesigned TV show or comic book. I have dozens of these I’ve made over the years. This one appears to be some kind of Space Opera. The goal is that the name – and the character design […]

Smurf Bastards

In honor of the upcoming disaster that will be the “Smurfs” live-action/CGI debacle, I dredge up this piece of nonsense. There was, at some point, a program called “Comic Book Smurfen,” which allowed you to make small comic strips with pre-arranged layouts, panels, and characters. The creative possibilities for this app were exactly one, and […]

Comics Unspooled

I’ve had a few requests to unspool the Naked Rabbit Pocket Library. Not everyone is enthusiastic about cut and paste projects like I am, and more than one user has asked that I present them in a computer readable format. Here are two: PDF version (right click to download) .CBZ version (also make with the […]

Senk Djalb

SENK DJALB? I cannot even remember making this PDF. It’s a copy of the print booklet “Senk Djalb,” a Chick-style tract I used to print up and leave on benches and in phone booths here and there. Click the pic, or here. Right-click to download. WHAT LANGUAGE IS THAT? Read it aloud – it’s pretty […]

Naked Rabbit Pocket Library

Download this shockingly small zip file and print out your own private library of ten new comics. Instructions are included so you can print cut, and fold them up. Good fun for bad children. Wide range of topics and sensibilities. Years in the making. Download it here and share with friends. In this strikingly handsome […]

Nerdy and Funny at the Same Time

Because the demographic that is severely underserved are people who are dorky enough to think this comic is hilarious. Including me. Click for larger view.