The Happy Shrimp Show – Steve Johnson

All original material, one music video per month for 2012. I’m cheating by starting January with an oldie but a goodie. The Project begins with this crusty old gem from long ago. While in college I very much wanted to start a band. Unfortunately I had little to no musical ability, but that has never […]

Your Brain is God Part 25

The show is up at – go to the link below and listen! It’s a three-hour “talk show” about the non-existance of God. I play Dr. Otto Prieswell, a supposed neuroscientist. There are some gags, but I pretty much played it straight, and about 90% of what I refer to is actually true. […]

Over the Edge this week 12 Jan 12 !

I will be on Don Joyce’s “Over the Edge” radio show THIS WEEK, that is the evening of 12 January (Thursday). The show is on KPFA( and it begins at midnight PST. I’ll be a neurosurgeon that night, so I may not have my own name. Tune in and, as usual, CALL IN the show! […]


“Jetsam” comes from “jettison,” meaning that which is cast off, no longer needed, dragging you down, no longer of any use. My apologies for dredging up old work like this again. As I go through the archives the occasional gem peeks out, and these were irresistible. A mere two minutes of animation exercises, strung together […]